Impacted earwax happens when there's a build-up of earwax in the ear, which could lead to infection if not removed.
Symptoms of impacted earwax
- Difficulty hearing
- Sensation of fullness in the ear
- Itchiness in the ear
- A ringing sound (tinnitus)
- Discharge from the ear
- Dizziness or vertigo
- Earache or pain
- Coughing
These symptoms should go away once the earwax has been removed.
Causes of impacted earwax
Our ears are very efficient at cleaning themselves. Ironically, it’s usually when people try to clean their ears that impacted earwax is caused. Using things like cotton buds, your finger, or other objects to try and remove earwax can actually push it further into the ear – where it can build up and become impacted.
It can also be caused by excessive earwax, which can simply happen when your body naturally produces more earwax than it needs, or if it becomes drier or stickier than normal. It’s when this excessive earwax builds up that it can become impacted.
Other causes of impacted earwax include:
- Wearing earplugs and earbuds.
- Narrow or hairy ear canals
- Age – earwax becomes drier as we get older
- Exposure to moisture, causing the earwax to expand
How do I know if I have excess earwax?
A change in hearing is the most obvious sign that you may need to have wax removed from your ear. There are a few other slow-growing signs that you can look out for, especially if you have a history of compacted earwax.
Ear pain
Usually caused by pressure on the ear canal, if the wax has been pushed deep into the ear. The pain may come from direct pressure on the eardrum as well.
This is caused by the hard wax pressing on the vagus nerve that runs along the ear. The pressure can stimulate the nerve and make you cough, despite your throat being clear.
A ‘full’ ear
If the hard wax is pressing equally around the ear canal, then you may feel a sensation of fullness inside the ear.
Your ears are self-cleaning so you should be fine to just leave them to it. If you feel earwax is causing a problem, get in touch with your GP or Specsavers store to discuss treatment options.
Why do I have too much earwax?
Your ear canal regularly secretes earwax thanks to the sebaceous glands located in your outer ear. The movement of your neck and jaw massage these secretions along the ear canal, picking up debris like dirt and dead skin along the way. Once combined, this is what forms earwax as we know it.
If there's a change in the consistency of secretions from your ear canal, this will naturally cause harder earwax to be formed. This is common as we get older. If there's an increase in the amount of debris in your ear, this will also have a similar effect. Harder wax moves more slowly along the ear canal, making you more prone to a build-up.
Medical conditions like eczema, which increase the amount of dead skin in the ear, can also cause excess earwax.
as can living or working in a dirty environment, such as construction, which may increase the amount of debris mixing with earwax and lead to blockages.
There are several other factors that can cause impacted earwax – these are just a few examples.
Am I at greater risk of an earwax build-up?
Some people have an increased chance of experiencing earwax issues. This usually stems from an underlying medical problem, such as trauma or disease affecting the ear.
Bony growths, known as osteomas, and narrow ear canals can restrict the passage of earwax and increase the chances of hardening and blockage. Skin problems such as eczema, or more systemic diseases like lupus, affect both secretion in the ear and the amount of dead skin that needs to be cleared by the body.
It’s also worth remembering that regularly using things like earbuds will naturally push against the wax and can increase the risk of a problematic build-up.
Earwax is a common problem for many and may only be part of the picture when it comes to any changes to your hearing you may be experiencing.
You can test check your hearing quickly online — it only takes three minutes.
You can also visit us in store or give us a call if you’d like to talk about anything to do with your ear health or hearing.
Professional earwax removal treatments
If you have impacted earwax, there’s a greater risk of you developing an ear infection caused by irritation to the sensitive skin inside your ear canal. This can be uncomfortable and may require further treatment – so it’s important that you get your impacted earwax removed safely.
How do you remove badly impacted earwax?
Depending on the extent of your earwax build-up, our hearing experts will either remove it manually, with a specialist tool, or use a method called microsuction, which gently sucks out the earwax without any contact with the eardrum or sensitive skin of the ear canal.
Does it hurt to remove impacted earwax?
Removing impacted earwax is generally a pain-free experience and you won’t need anaesthesia or any pain medication. It might feel a little strange to have someone poking around in your ear, but try your best not to move during the procedure, just to prevent any potential damage to the ear canal caused by a sudden movement.
Our hearing experts will talk you through the procedure before they begin so you’ll be aware of the steps being taken to remove the wax.
Earwax removal from home
You may have heard the saying ‘never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear’. Cotton buds, matchsticks, hairpins, pencils and many other items may damage your ear canal and push the wax deeper causing impacted earwax, or an ear infection - you might even perforate your eardrum.
There are, however, plenty of ways you can safely keep your ears clean at home, just check out our earwax dos and don’ts page to find out more.
If you’re considering buying an over-the-counter solution, we’d recommend you speak to a pharmacist to make sure you buy the most appropriate product for your needs.
The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) advises earwax candling has no benefit in earwax management, can result in serious injury and should never be used. We have plenty more information about ear candling here.
When you should see your GP
If you experience any of the following, you should see your GP for advice or further treatment:
- Pain
- Vomiting
- Discharge
- Vomiting
- Your ear is still blocked after five days
- You’re having trouble hearing because of the blockage
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Ear Cleaning
How to safely clean your ears at home