Need your earwax removed?

The safest and easiest way to get rid of excess or stubborn earwax is to see a professional. Specsavers stores offer microsuction earwax removal services by our trained and accredited hearing experts

How much is earwax removal ?

We charge £60 for one or both ears. And if we don't find any wax, we'll complete a full ear health check, which costs £25. Book your earwax removal appointment online or find the nearest Specsavers store to you.

Ear Wax Removal at Specsavers

What to do before you come in

It's important that the wax is soft to make the procedure as comfortable and effective as possible. We recommend using medicated olive oil drops, once per day in the affected ear and repeat for five days before your appointment.

Give us a call to speak to hearing expert before your appointment if any of these are applicable to you, as we may not be able to proceed with wax removal:

  • Dry, tickly, or irritable throat 
  • Poor head and neck control
  • Diabetes
  • Currently taking blood thinning medication
  • High or low blood pressure

If you’re not sure you have wax in your ears, give your store a call for a triage appointment first.

When to speak to your GP

There are some instances when we will not be able to perform wax removal and would advise you speak to your GP to seek help, these are:

  • Any pain within the last 90 days
  • Any middle ear infections within the last 90 days
  • Any current or recurrent ear infection
  • Any past operations in or around the ear
  • Suspect you have any foreign bodies in the ear canal
  • Suspect you have a perforated eardrum
  • Any fluid or discharge from inside your ear within the last 90 days

If you’re still not sure, please give our hearing experts a call and they’ll be happy to advise.

Please don’t put any olive oil or wax softening solution in your ears if any of the above conditions apply to you.

Is there earwax removal near me?

At Specsavers, our stores are conveniently located nationwide so you can easily access our earwax removal services. Visit our store locator to find the nearest Specsavers store to you.

Should I remove earwax?

Your body naturally cleans your ears for you, so no routine maintenance is required. However, if your body produces too much earwax, it might impact your hearing. If this happens, it’s important to get it checked out right away to prevent further issues to your ear health.

How often should I remove earwax?

There isn’t a set recommended frequency for earwax removal, as it depends on each individual case. Some people don’t require earwax removal very often, whereas others produce vast amounts of earwax at a faster rate. If you’re concerned about the amount of earwax you are producing, or would like to find out more about how often you should clean out your ears, get in touch or visit our dedicated resource here.

What happens if earwax is not removed?

If excess ear wax is not removed, it can lead to a build-up of impacted earwax. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of impacted earwax, including ear pain, a ‘full ear’ or a cough, book an appointment with your local store as soon as possible.

Different methods for earwax removal

What is microsuction earwax removal?

Microsuction earwax removal uses a vacuum to gently remove any excess wax from your ears. It’s one of the most effective services for cleaning your ears and is carried out by one of our accredited audiology professionals at Specsavers.

Find out more about our microsuction earwax removal here

How is ear syringing different?

Ear syringing is a technique of removing earwax that involves pushing water through the ear canal to flush out the wax. Although it can be successful, it can have side effects and possible complications, especially if done incorrectly, causing ear infections or impacted earwax. Ear syringing is not a service that is provided by Specsavers.

Read more about our ear cleaning advice here

Earwax removal at home

Have you ever thought about cleaning your ears at home? We’ve answered some of your questions on how to best deal with earwax build-up at home and what to avoid. 

For advice on using ear cleaning drops, consult your local pharmacist and for more information on earwax, visit our hub.

Find out more about how to remove earwax at home here 

What to expect at your wax removal appointment

Rest assured that our specially trained clinicians will use the safest method of wax removal to help you hear again.

  1. Your wax removal appointment will take 30 mins. 
  2. After asking a few questions to get a better understanding of the health of your ears, our clinician will examine your ear canals and ear drums by using an otoscope (magnifier with a light). They will record this information to help keep track of any changes in your ear over time.
  3. We’ll then talk you through the procedure and show you the equipment that will be used and explain how it works. You’ll need to sign a consent form before we remove any wax from your ears.
  4. Once you are happy to go ahead, our clinician will use a magnifier and suction tube to gently remove any wax that’s in your ear.
  5. After our clinician has performed the procedure, they will then check the health of your ears and record this information.
  6. If we are unsuccessful in removing any wax, we’ll advise you on your next steps.

Earwax removal FAQS

What is the best way to remove earwax?

Earwax removal should always be carried out by a healthcare professional. Avoid using things such as cotton swabs — these can be dangerous when used to clean your ears. Book an appointment today to ensure a safe way to remove earwax

What causes excessive earwax?

A buildup of earwax can be caused by numerous factors, including narrow or damaged ear canals, skin conditions around the ear and an increased amount of hair in the ear.

How do I know if I need earwax removal?

Earwax buildup can cause blocked ears, earache, fullness in the ear, hearing loss, tinnitus or dizziness. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, it’s important to book an appointment so a specialist can advise on next steps.

Do you need to have your ears syringed before a hearing test?

In the vast majority of cases, ear syringing is not required before a hearing test. A small amount of wax in the ears is perfectly normal and healthy and has no effect on a hearing test or check. That said, if you are aware that you get a considerable build up of wax in your ears, it might well be worth asking your practice nurse or GP to examine them before going for a hearing test. Find out more information on our hearing tests and how to book them at your nearest Specsavers here.

Can earwax cause pain when flying?

There is no evidence to suggest that ear wax affects flying unless the ears are completely occluded (blocked up) so that pressure equalisation between the outer and middle ears cannot take place.

Can I proceed with getting my hearing tested on the same day as my wax removal appointment?

No, following the microsuction procedure, a minimum of 24 hours must be left before any other clinical procedures are carried out on the ear, including hearing checks. This is due to the noise generated during the appointment by the equipment, creating a temporary hearing threshold shift.

Earwax prevention

Everything earwax

Interested in learning more about earwax? 

Impacted earwax

Causes, symptoms and treatment

Advice on ear cleaning

Tips on how to clean your ears safely